wow gold:: Tempest Keep |
goueiwos 發(fā)表于:2008-7-23 13:45:10 wow gold:: Tempest Keep
Difficulty: 1.5/5 Basics: Urgh. wow gold The most-run heroic ever, wow gold and I've been asked so much times to run it. Crazy it makes me! Crazy I tell you! Well,wow gold it hasn't differed much from normal - mobs are CC'able for the most part, wow gold mobs have the exact same abilities, nothing special. You'll still need to interrupt or avoid the robot's charge when he has it, and will still have fun with bombing minidemons. That's all, really. Have fun and semi-free badges ;) - Gatewatcher Gyro-Kill - Spread out a little at this guy.rolex He does a sawblade effect in a cone in a direction, rolexwhich sends damage to a player plus a DoT. He also gains Shadow Power every once in a while, so watch the healing.
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